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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Identification of the sequence of Polypeptide

The aim of this practical was to see the difference between amino acids by determining the sequence of a particular dipeptide. Peptides are essential in building blocks for proteins. Amongst various type of peptides there are few which share a common core structure such as only differs by side chains i.e hydrophobic or amino acids. Differences in the chemical properties caused by the different side chains provides the way in which we can seperate the different amino acids from each other. In this practical the different amino acids are determined by the sequence of a particular dipeptide. We used paper chromatography to identify the component peptides you use standard anino acids.
Is given in the protocol
Precaution and changes:
Chemical Ninhydrin which will react with proteins to form long lasting colour.
step 6 was left out.
From the results the seperation is visible. The hydrolised sample amino acids in the dipeptide break the double bond causing seperation of the amino acid.

1 comment:

  1. This is mainly background and there is not much in the way of the results and no discussion. What happened in the practical? What does it mean? Hydolysis doesn't cause separation on its own - the chromatography allows that.

